Friday 1 July 2011

Unheard Melodies

Heard Melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.
     ---- John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

Big Mama Justice is presently reading Oliver Sacks' Musicophilia.
She's just at Part I Haunted by Music,  of Sacks' fascinating bestselling book.
Sacks discusses what happens when we imagine music.

When we imagine music, it affects our circuitry as though we were actually listening to it, or playing it.

In Chapter 4: Music on the Brain: Imagery and Imagination, Sacks refers to studies by his colleagues which reveal (through brain imaging techniques), that imagining music affects our auditory cortex almost as strongly as listening to it.  Imagining music almost stimulates the motor cortex , and that conversely imagining the playing of music also stimulates the auditory cortex.

Sacks says that most of our musical imagery comes to us not voluntarily commanded or summoned but rather spontaneously.

Mozart's Requiem Catholic Mass in D Minor
The soundtrack to the Law Society's vexatious disciplinary proceeding against Big Mama Justice is brought to life in the musical imagery from the soundtrack of Mozart's Requiem -- a dark, enigmatic and unfinished  tour de force.  

Sound track to Self-Governance
The antiquated and severe hymn Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) is the soundtrack to the LSUC's self-governance. The Dies Irae, a  hymn, is best known from its use as a sequence in the Roman Catholc Requiem Mass.  It was removed from the ordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass in the liturgical reform of 1969-1970, because it was overemphasized a lot of negative spirituality.

Self-Governance needs to be done away with, as the Dies Irae was done away with.

Self-governance has not worked for hundreds of years. It condones irresponsible, mis-use and abuse of unbridled discretion by the Benchers who run the LSUC -- authorizing severe discipline proceedings against innocent, female sole practitioners.

Self-Governance is unworkable, needs to go, just as the Dies Irae was done away with. The Church got rid of texts that smacked of a negative spirituality inherited from the Middle Ages. Thus they removed such familiar and even beloved texts as the  Libera me, Domine,  the Dies Iræ, and others that overemphasized judgment, fear, and despair. The Law Society's self-governing status needs to meet the same fate as the severe, negative spirituality in the Dies Irae. Self-governance by lawyers does not protect the public interest, it subordinates the public interest.

The Dies Irae was replaced with texts urging Christian hope and arguably giving more effective expression to faith in the resurrection.

Self'-Governance needs to be replaced with transparency, accountability, and government intervention.

Away with the Middles Ages!
The Amen Fugue is the soundtrack to the dissolution of the Law Society's self-governance.

Self-Governance can Fugue off. Big Mama Justice envisages iterating Fugues in Bach, Handel, etc to the demise of self-governance.

This Monday, June 27, 2011  Big Mama Justice was denied an adjournment to permit her time to retain legal counsel. She was denied independent legal advice. This abuse of process and denial of natural justice, denial of due process is wholly unacceptable.

The real danger to the public interest is the unjustifiable targeting and disciplining of innocent, respectable female sole practictioners.

On Wedensday, June 29, 2011 her disclosure motion was adjourned.


  1. Oh what a DANGER to society you are!!! Music, humour, and dogs. Down with LSUC ... they stink.

  2. GSD's are my favorite too. Well I had a good time in Salzburg following the steps of you know who.... :)
